CEE Regulations


Regolamento CE 1308 del 17 dicembre 2013.pdf
establishing a common organization of the markets for agricultural products and repealing regulations (cee) no. 922/72, (cee) n. 234/79, (ce) no. 1037/2001 and (ec) no. 1234/2007 of the council - published in the official gazette of the european union n. l 347 of 20 December 2013
Regolamento CE 543/2011 del 7 giugno 2011.pdf
laying down detailed rules for the application of regulation (ec) no. 1234/2007 in the fresh fruit and vegetables and processed fruit and vegetables sectors - consolidated text October 2014


DM n 9083 del 28 agosto 2014.pdf
Integration of the National Strategy on the subject of recognition and control of fruit and vegetable producer organizations and their associations, operational funds and operational programs "- WITH ATTACHMENTS
DM n 9084 del 28 agosto 2014.pdf
National provisions on the recognition and control of fruit and vegetable producer organizations and their associations, operational funds and operational programs "- WITH ATTACHMENTS
DM n 7307 del 31 dicembre 2015.pdf
confirmation of the validity of the national provisions on the recognition and control of fruit and vegetable producer organizations and their associations, of operational funds and operational program, adopted by ministerial decree of 28 August 2014, n.9084
Circolare Agea UMU.2015.69del 30 gennaio 2015 - Istruzioni Operative N.10
operational provisions for the management of Operational Program data by producer organizations, aimed at the disbursement of the relative aid in application of Reg. (EU) no. 1308/13 of the Council and Regulation (EU) No. 543/2011 of the Commission "- WITH ATTACHMENTS
Manuale attività controllo delegate.zip
manuale delle attività di controllo delegate agli Organismi- Testo Unico - CON ALLEGATI


Circolare Agea UMU.2014.0459 del 5 marzo 2014.pdf
operational provisions for the management of Operational Program data by producer organizations, aimed at the disbursement of the relative aids in application of Reg. (EC) no. 1234/07 of the Council and Regulation (EU) No. 543/2011 of the Commission
scarica gli allegati
DM n. 12705 del 17 ottobre 2013.pdf
disposizioni nazionali in materia di riconoscimento e controllo delle organizzazioni di produttori ortofrutticoli e loro associazioni, di fondi di esercizio e programmi operativi
allegato DM n.12705 del 17 ottobre 2013.pdf
Circolare Agea UMU.213.0532 del 29 marzo 2013.zip
disposizioni operative per la gestione dei dati dei programmi operativi da parte delle Organizzazioni di Produttori, finalizzate alla erogazione dei relativi aiuti in applicazione del Reg (CE) 1234/07 e Reg (UE) 543/2011 - con modulistica allegata